“Yoga provides an opportunity to tune in and listen to our bodies needs.  
Over time we transfer that into all areas of our life.”


We often come to our mat for a physical practice.  As we continue, it is evident that it is also a heart-centered, inner awareness practice.  Yoga helps us work within the realm of being ‘mindful’ by utilizing breath, movement, and body awareness.  Mindfulness is beneficial for many reasons, including enhancing our ability to listen, feel, and respond in a nurturing way.

Yoga gives space for the pose to find our body, not for the body to fit into a certain pose.  We are all different and have different needs - there is a space on your mat that allows us to move freely, strengthen, and release tension - it looks different for everyone.  Each day offers a new practice.  Simply inhale and exhale - start there and see what happens next.

Current schedule:

Flow - Wednesdays @ 8:30 am - www.driftandoak.com

Reach out for private classes to individuals and groups.